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The content is a Christmas surprise for consumers who celebrate this tradition.
Augmented reality already shows its capacity to open a new dimension in packaging. A renowned beverage brand presented an application in which it offers multiple educational and entertainment contents for the youngest in the house.
In this line, Tetra Pak, together with AJE’s Pulp Flavored Drinks, presented the “PackStory” application to join the ‘interactive packaging’ market and meet the demand of conscious buyers who want to know more about a product or connect more closely with the brand.
“Tetra Pak is a company driven by innovation in food packaging and processing solutions for its customers. In this opportunity, we are very happy to be the first to launch in Peru a package that generates an innovative augmented reality experience. This time the content is a Christmas surprise for consumers who celebrate this tradition,” said José Luis Jiménez, general manager of Tetra Pak Peru.
In addition, he pointed out that this proposal allows the consumer to interact with the package, even before buying it. “This way we are offering a unique experience that gives the brand an added value,” added Jiménez.
PackStory is available for IOS and Android operating systems through their official stores. Using a cell phone camera, the front of the packaging becomes an interactive channel with the product experience and, by scanning the back with the brand logo.