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Initiative that seeks to preserve species and promote experiential and nature tourism.
In the final stage of the activities of the ‘First Festival of Fresh Water Turtles of the Amazon’, the release of the last 300 baby taricayas in the Nanay River took place. The event, organized by the Distric of Maynas, was held in favor of preserving the species and as an alternative for experiential tourism and nature.
In this last stage of the event, the turtle bale was released exclusively by children from the community. In addition, the NGO Gatia also participated in the activity, involving minors in order to interact and raise awareness of the importance of this species of turtles for the Amazon ecosystem. Furthermore, the Distric of Maynas was grateful for the participation of various entities such as the District of Belen, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR), the Ministry of the Environment, the AJE Group, the Association of Tourist Entrepreneurs of Iquitos, Gatia, among others