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- The brand of 100% Natural Drinks BIO promotes a project of drinking water and Internet connection for the communities of Buenos Aires and 20 de Enero in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve.
- AJE will also become an ally for the conservation of the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve, buying super fruits and sponsoring the first race in the reserve of 12k and 25k.
- The multinational signed an agreement with the Shipiba community of Ucayali to support the sustainable production of camu camu.
AJE Group, through its brand of 100% natural organic drinks, reaffirms its commitment to the care and protection of the Peruvian Amazon, by promoting three important social and environmental impact projects, which will benefit 252 people in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in its first stage.
Under the BIO brand, the Peruvian group has been carrying out actions that revalues the Peruvian Amazon by promoting the maintenance and care of the forests, as well as the empowerment of their guardians: the native communities of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, through the purchase of super Amazon fruits such as aguaje and camu camu. At this stage, the AJE Group will promote the improvement of the living conditions of the populations that inhabit the Reserve.
AJE, the Eduardo & Mirtha Añaños Foundation and SERNANP have formed a strategic alliance to bring to the communities of Buenos Aires and 20 de enero, inhabitants of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, a system of potable water, renewable energy and Internet that will be installed in 80 homes.
Consequently, they will have drinking water suitable for human consumption through wells 40 meters deep, which will have a pumping system based on clean solar energy that will take the water through a pipeline network that will be connected to each house after being filtered and ionized. Additionally, Internet service will be provided with the installation of a modular open-signal satellite reception system so that children, adults and the general population can access information through two computers. In addition, a 60-inch screen and cable for the community will be installed.
“With this project we hope to help reduce the rates of gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition and anemia associated with deficiencies in drinking water and basic sanitation, which influence the health and nutrition of the population, composed mostly of children and infants,” said Jorge Lopez-Doriga, Executive Director of Communications and Sustainability of Grupo AJE.
At the same time, the multinational company signed an agreement to train and support the Shipivo Konibo Xetevo Cooperative of the Shipiba community, in Ucayali, from whom they buy the superfruit Camu Camu, which serves as raw material for the elaboration of BIO Camu Camu.
On the other hand, AJE Group partnered with SERNANP for the preservation (through the purchase of super fruits) and promotion of the reserve (through ecotourism). Along these lines, it associated its commitment to sustainability with the development of Peruvian sports by sponsoring the first edition of the “Allpahuayo Mishana – Amazon Trail 2020” race, which will take place on June 28, 2020 in the Reserve. With this action, the AJE Group will contribute to the development of ecotourism in the Allpahuayo Mishana National Reserve.
This event is organized by the RUTA 21 TRAIL – RUNNING Sports Club and SERNANP, and seeks to encourage people to experience sports tourism that goes hand in hand with environmental conservation. The attendees will be able to take two different routes, one of 12k and the other of 25k. Those interested can register on the website:
“These initiatives are part of our commitment to help conserve the Peruvian Amazon, an invaluable asset to the world, demonstrating that green gold (the standing forest) is much more valuable in the Amazon than yellow gold or black gold. We have started working directly for more than three years with the Amazon communities, empowering them to conserve their forest through a sustainable bio-business that will allow us to give value to the Amazon fruits and have new economic opportunities for the ancestral guardians of the forest,” added López-Dóriga.