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The whole situation suffered by the coronavirus crisis has allowed us to reflect on the need to have a change of awareness and to analyze the way in which human beings have been contaminating the planet for years. This is a unique opportunity for companies and people to value the environment more and, above all, to protect the planet that is being inherited by future generations.
This is the ideal moment to analyze our development model, which comes from the Industrial Revolution and has depredated natural resources. This model must be reversed towards the Natural Revolution, which must be born from biodiverse countries like Peru. For example, now Europe, Asia and the United States are beginning to appreciate our natural products, which come from biodiversity and not from monocultures,” said Jorge López-Dóriga, executive director of Communications and Sustainability of AJE Group, a company that, through its brand of 100% natural BIO drinks, has been reaffirming its commitment to the care and protection of the Peruvian Amazon.
In this regard, he affirms that the new development model is not in China, Europe or the United States, so Peru, as a country of wide biodiversity, must launch itself into the revolution of the Amazon superfruits, such as camu camu and aguaje, which have more vitamins and raise the body’s defenses.
“The biodiversity and the wonderful fruits and ingredients that are in the Amazon community can feed the world, while protecting the green gold that our forests hold,” he says.
López-Dóriga refers that the company, under the BIO brand, has been carrying out actions that revalue the Peruvian Amazon by promoting the maintenance and care of the forests, as well as the empowerment of their guardians, which are the native communities of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, through the purchase of these super Amazon fruits.
It highlights that AJE Group has been working this project always from a sustainable and progressive way, promoting the circular economy in the forest with the production of these drinks that are 100% natural and that come from wild trees.
He emphasizes that these drinks are in line with the preferences expressed by many people who are interconnected by technology around the world, which are willing to choose healthy products that protect the environment, rather than acquire those that have artificial additives.
The Executive Director of Communications and Sustainability of AJE Group says that so far the BIO brand has been very well received, as they are producing the first aguaje drink in the market and one of the few camu camu drinks in all of Peru.
“Already people on social networks are reading about the benefits and high value of these fruits. Now as a company we must ensure that we have a sustainable supply chain,” he says.
On this point, he points out that AJE Group is currently promoting three important social and environmental impact projects, which in their first stage will benefit 252 people in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve. There they are promoting the improvement of living conditions of the populations that inhabit this Reserve.
He explains that AJE Group, the Eduardo & Mirtha Añaños Foundation and SERNANP have formed a strategic alliance to bring different services to the communities of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, such as a drinking water system, renewable energy and Internet that will be installed in 80 homes.
“With this project we hope to help reduce the incidence rate of gastrointestinal diseases, malnutrition and anemia associated with the deficiencies of drinking water and basic sanitation, which influence the health and nutrition of the population, composed mostly of children and infants,” he says.
At the same time, the company signed an agreement to train and support the Shipivo Konibo Xetevode Cooperative of the Shipiba community, in Ucayali, from whom they buy the super fruit camu camu, which serves as raw material for the elaboration of the BIO Camu Camu drink.
He also mentioned that the AJE Group has partnered with SERNANP for conservation through the purchase of super fruits, and the promotion of the reserve through ecotourism.
He comments that these initiatives are part of the commitment that the company made to help the conservation of the Peruvian Amazon, which is considered an invaluable asset to the world, where it is demonstrated that green gold (the standing forest) is much more valuable than yellow gold or black gold. “For more than three years we have begun working directly with the Amazon communities, empowering and training them to conserve their forest through a sustainable bio-business, which will allow them to give value to the Amazon fruits and have new economic opportunities for these guardians of the forest,” concludes López-Dóriga.