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With great success, emotion, happiness, and satisfaction towards the accomplished mission, this Saturdat November 7th, the provincial Maynas municipaity did the awaitred liberation of Taricaya turtles in the San José de Lupuna community, located in the Nanay river. 1040 baby Taricayas were transported to the community, along with private businesses representatives and different local state authorities. The community dwellers, national journalists a influencers were there to communicate the so important happening.
This liberation was made in the frame of the sweet water turtles repopulation festival as an ecotourist attraction in the Maynas province. In their activities, the composition and presentation of a happy song allusive to the Taricaya interpreted by the singer Isabel Sevillano, the virtual scholar drawing, painting and creative narrative competition with “Protection, conservation and repopulation of the sweet water Taricayas” theme, which’s award ceremony was held in the morning of the same day in the Plaza Bolognesi with the view of the artificial Taricaya beach where neighbours could visit Taricayas as they were born. Taricaya eggs were recollected in the Pacaya Samiria Reservatory in the months of July and August and, due to the pandemic, this year only the seeding in Plaza Bolognesi was made.
The Project and conjoined work have been executing successfully for second consecutive year and looks to position the Amazon as an ecotourist place nationally and internationally that also brings the dwellers of San José of Lupuna progress.
The project’s development was under the charge of the Tourism Division of the Maynas community along to the presence of the project’s driving force, the ruler Maria Elena Lau and counts with the help of the private company AJEPER Group, represented by Jorge López Dóriga and Alberto Suárez,
The cooperative actors as the disctrict municipalities of Punchana, Belén and San Juan Bautista, the regional direction of external commerce, tourism and crafts – DIRCETURA, CARETUR, The tourism Association Amazon River, Gerfor, Sernanp, Serfor, IIAP Promperú, Caja Maynas and The national Peruvian Police – Tourism.